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We are a public company, 51% owned by the Galician Autonomous Government (Xunta de Galicia) and 49% by Naturgy. The company was founded in 1992 in response to the need for global, shared and committed action to protect the environment and deliver municipal waste management solutions.

Taking the European waste hierarchy based on the 3+1R principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose) as our benchmark and with EU backing in the form of Cohesion Funds, our company is spearheading sustainable waste management, whilst also contributing to economic growth and social cohesion.

We cover the whole of Galicia.

We incorporate state-of-the-art technologies to our industrial processes.

We include the European waste hierarchy principles: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose.

We deliver the same service and apply the same charges to all member local authorities.


We seek to optimise the entire system through an extensive network of infrastructures that allows waste to be transferred and transported (by train or road) to the specific processing facilities. There, the organic matter is turned into compost, the recyclable materials are sorted and later sent to recycling centres and the non-recyclable fraction is used to generate electricity.

Our programme of visits to our industrial infrastructures, training sessions targeting various groups, leadership of environmental projects, collaboration agreements with other Spanish and international organisations, as well as our commitment to transparency and the dissemination of information, all form the bases of SOGAMA’s work to raise citizen’s social awareness.
environmental education

The innovative Environmental Complex in Cerceda (A Coruña), which articulates all SOGAMA’s activity, is the core of a capillary network that extends throughout the country, comprising transfer plants that receive the yellow, black and brown waste bags sorted by type.
The company, which executes the strategy of Galician Autonomous Government (Xunta de Galicia), also has a network of infrastructures for the recovery of organic matter collected in brown bins, thereby enabling it to be transformed into compost. This network, made up of four bio-waste plants (one per province: Cervo in Lugo; Cerceda in A Coruña; Vilanova de Arousa, in Pontevedra; and Verín, in Ourense) and 13 transfer plants for the differentiated transfer of this waste fraction, means that practically all participating municipalities are located within 50 km of one of these facilities.

in the
SOGAMA model
Our activity is centred on the fractions deposited in yellow bins (plastic packaging, cans and cartons), brown bins (organic material) and conventional bins (other waste).
Items placed in blue bins (paper and cardboard), green igloo bins (glass) and other waste products such as batteries, electrical appliances and oils, etc., are handled directly by authorised management companies in accordance with their type.
On arrival at the processing facilities, each fraction undergoes differentiated procedures, in order to ensure that all the waste products handled are transformed into resources, thereby completing the sustainability circle.




SOGAMA delivers its services to 94% of Galicia’s local authorities

Serving more than 2 million people

Capacity to handle 1 million tons of municipal solid waste each year

The energy generated by SOGAMA accounts for 12% of the total amount consumed by Galician households

Of waste transported by train

Direct and indirect jobs
Morzós, 10 • As Encrobas • 15187
Cerceda (A Coruña) / Tlf.: 981 698 500
Fax: 981 686 064
Citizen service